Zimbabwe remains burdened with malaria with high morbidity and mortality despite efforts made over the years to get to the elimination stage. The Ministry of health and child care (MOHCC) has a robust malaria elimination strategy but faces a number of challenges with the implementation. The national Vison for 2016 -2020 was to have a malaria free Zimbabwe. The goal was to reduce the malaria incidence to 5/1000 by 2015 and ultimately to near zero by 2020.The burden of the disease remains endemic in a number of districts including Mudzi and Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe (UMP).


The main focus of the Rotary club of Msasa is to complement the efforts of the MCZ and Isdell: flowers Initiative in supporting Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) to reduce malaria related morbidity and mortality in areas along the Mozambican and Zimbabwean borders by providing Malaria rapid test kits and supporting the training of Village Health Workers . The Rotary Club of Msasa will appoint a project champion who will be the link person with the MCZ and MOHCC district managers on the Malaria project. Currently the program is operating in six wards out of 21 wards in Mudzi district with plans to cover the remaining wards and to upscale to Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe (UMP) districts , and Mutare districts. Mudzi district is among the top ten districts accounting for nearly 70% of the national malaria cases with more than 50% of the Mudzi population residing in malaria risk areas.